I have always wondered how a medium profession is so popular when it doesn’t enjoy
great appreciation. What I mean by popular: From the era of the carriage until today
us, you will meet a taxi, in literature, in the cinema, in the theater,
in song in poetry. Why? At some point I realized that it is not the
means of transport itself, insofar as it actively participates in the process of travel and as
well known as the poet says ΄΄the destination has no meaning as much as the journey΄΄.

Every move for whatever reason, whether to go to work
whether on the walk or for reasons of pleasure or displeasure, she has one behind her
emotional charge. From ΄go with me wherever you want taxi driver’ to ΄I’ll call
a trip- give me a kiss something to have for the journey ΄ it’s all about me
the movement. Together with the body we carry our soul and emotions
our. A romantic ride through the city in a carriage or a race in a modern one
taxi, will improve or worsen your mood. Irrelevant. The thing is
that it will have an effect on your psyche and so many other examples. To everything
these, the dominant role is played by the human factor who handles the medium
transportation. In our case, that is, the taxi driver. He can improve or not
spoil your mood. He will comfort you mentally if you confide in him
something that torments you. It is he who becomes the bearer of good and bad news.
Many of our customers have tolerated a sloppy vehicle, but no one does
a bad behavior. That’s why our responsibility in this part is huge.
Many times the everyday life and the struggle for survival that we give, us
tunes out. Our core service is to move people from one
point A to a point B. Nothing more. But what happens during
of the route and the taxi driver-customer behavior interaction, of
exchange of views or a simple small talk, is a whole other
world and needs attention. I can write many instructions for the good one
implementation of this process, but it does not make sense why all this
it is personalized. For now I am happy to join a group of people who
it’s called TAXI EXPRESS PATRAS, which the vast majority of them are
attentive and promote the carrier-customer relationship for the better. This, which
it is also our great comparative advantage we must preserve it as
pupil of the eye and start enriching it with many elements that will
arise through discussion between us. So, I reserve for the future
and hope for the best.

Miltos Spyropoulos
Network and staff manager



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