Taxis in Greece, like so many other professions and businesses, have perennial structural problems. There has never been a serious attempt by the state to substantially upgrade passenger transport services (taxi).

On the contrary, everything was done casually. All the decisions clearly show the intention for targeted services that will bring political benefit. The uncontrolled granting of public use licenses led the professional motorist to practice para-communication in order to survive.

It is now clear and accepted, I believe by everyone, that in order to fulfill our role and provide the citizen with quality special transport services, our profession must be sustainable.

A sustainable profession means a reduction in licenses (fewer taxis on the streets) except in special cases such as tourist areas, large urban centers. As professionals, we must overcome our inhibitions and face the truth. With courage, determination, arguments and a plan to enter into an honest dialogue with the State seeking an immediate solution.

At the same time, pressure must be exerted on the State to change its tactics. Our industry does not need only punitive legislation that most often has the opposite effect. It needs a real interest and a new modern perception that will provide solutions to the real needs of the professional motorist, such as financing for a vehicle change, integration of new technologies, continuous training.

But in order to achieve all of the above, we also need to dare and face our own reality head on. Let’s see our mistakes, correct them, change our tactics and read the developments correctly. Outdated arguments and outdated perceptions do not help. In order to face our powerful competitors, who have enormous capital and power, we must line up against their power sustainable practices based on a modern strategy, compatible with our time alongside the client and his needs.

We, the large team of Taxi Express Patras (2610450000) in recent years have made a huge shift in our approach to our customers. We chose a new marketing strategy (brand loyalty) based on our loyalty to the customer and vice versa. In order to achieve the best possible result, we cultivate a continuous relationship of interaction with him, offering quality services, gaining his trust and loyalty.

In addition to the well-known classic services we provide to the passenger, we have designed a package of smart and specialized services aimed at their particular needs and requirements. With the Taxi School service we address working parents who can call a taxi through the telematics system. We, in turn, safely transport the child to school and at the same time the parents can follow the process from their mobile phones.

With the Express Courier service, we serve each of our customers who want their package transported either from a store in the city or from transport companies, always with care and reliability.

With the Night Taxi service, we give our customers the opportunity to go out at night, drinking an extra drink. We, in turn, assume the responsibility of transporting him safely to his home.

With the Taxi Express Ad service, (advertising) we address businesses and professionals who wish to promote themselves, through a special communication with the customer. We are talking about a new pattern of approach and promotion, since the customer, together with the projected image or video on the tablet, also receives the appropriate answers from the trained professional colleague.

We consistently apply a policy of support to our students through the possibility we provide them, calling a taxi in the classic way or using our application. So they share the value of the journey between them, from their home to the university and vice versa.

Our experience and life itself have taught us that nothing remains stable. Everything is changing at an incredible rate and we are obliged to have the right reflexes with quick adaptation.

We know very well that our customers have problems transporting small children as well as pets. We are carefully preparing to provide a solution through our two new services. The Taxi kids service and the Pet Taxi service. We are in the final stage of processing and organization (of the new services). Upon completion of the process we will return with more detail and more complete information.

The culmination of our effort and our commitment to the customer, is our award as..Gold Company… With this award we are on the map of companies that offer real quality services. An unprecedented success for a taxi company, since only 10% of Greek companies managed to distinguish themselves.

We are a social economy company and for this very reason we cannot ignore society. We actively participate in every event of our city that addresses people and their needs. We are sponsors or partners in cultural and entertainment events, e.g. carnival, concerts, sports events, theater, and at the same time we participate and promote the efforts of agencies, social groups and associations that help our vulnerable fellow human beings e.g. Smile of the Child, Leap of Life, ELEPAP Agrini, foundations. It is our main priority and choice for the Express Patras taxi cooperative to function as a living cell for our city.

Our times require rapid change and necessary transition. As the leadership of the cooperative we must become the bridge that will lead to the new era. We are ready to take responsibility and risk. We must create the necessary conditions to incorporate new ideas and best practices, even if this requires a constant confrontation with established mindsets and anachronistic perceptions.

The point for us is to do everything to be faithful to our appointment in the meeting with the future. Personally, I completely agree, I am identified, with John Cage’s point of view. ….I can’t understand why people are afraid of new ideas, I’m afraid of old ones.

George Papakonstantinopoulos. Head of the Board of Directors Patras Express Taxi



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